What are the Student Work and Travel Program restrictions?
All prospective work positions must be vetted and approved by the American Australian Association by submitting a completed Employee Job Offer Form. All employment must be paid at the minimum award wage or higher. Typically most participants work in non-skilled service positions at resorts, hotels, restaurants and bars. Participants may accept professional level positions, however may not accept work in any of the following areas:
- In positions that could bring notoriety or disrepute to the Exchange Visitor Program;
- In sales positions that require participants to purchase inventory that they must sell in order to support themselves;
- In domestic help positions in private homes (e.g., child care, elder care, gardener, chauffeur);
- As pedicab or rolling chair drivers or operators;
- As operators or drivers of vehicles or vessels for which drivers’ licenses are required regardless of whether they carry passengers or not;
- In positions related to clinical care that involves patient contact;
- In any position in the adult entertainment industry (including, but not limited to jobs with escort services, adult book/video stores, and strip clubs);
- In positions requiring work hours that fall predominantly between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.;
- In positions declared hazardous to youth by the Secretary of Labor at Subpart E of 29 CFR part 570;
- In positions that require sustained physical contact with other people and/or adherence to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Universal Blood and Body Fluid Precautions guidelines (e.g., body piercing, tattooing, massage, manicure);
- In positions that are substantially commission-based and thus do not guarantee that participants will be paid minimum wage in accordance with federal and state standards;
- In positions involved in gaming and gambling, that includes direct participation in wagering and/or betting;
- In positions in chemical pest control, warehousing, catalogue/online order distribution centers;
- In positions with travelling fairs or itinerant concessionaires;
- In positions for which there is another specific J category (e.g., camp counselor, intern, trainee); or
- After November 1, 2012, in positions in the North American Industry Classification System’s (NAICS) Goods-Producing Industries occupational categories industry sectors 11, 21, 23, 31-33 numbers (set forth at http://www.bls.gov/iag/tgs/iag_index_naics.htm).