Corporate Membership

Corporate Membership Benefits

As a valued corporate member of the American Australian Association, your organization plays an integral part in an established network, bringing together entrepreneurial and multinational corporations actively engaged in two-way trade and investment between Australia and the United States.  We encourage your organization’s continued support and participation in the Association’s activities as they provide excellent opportunities to network and connect with Government leaders and corporate colleagues.

  • Exclusive Invitations to all Corporate Membership events including Business Council roundtables, panel discussions and receptionswith prominent keynote speakers, including senior business executives, think tanks and political leaders
  • Prominent listing (company logo, name hyperlink & boiler plate) on website
  • Prominent logo listing in select printed publications
  • Exclusive access to American Australian Association Headquarters at 600 Third Avenue, New York. This includes the opportunity to use hot desk, take meetings and enjoy Australian coffee & beverages while enjoying the iconic view of the New York Skyline
  • Introductions to other corporate members, visiting government ministers & senior corporate executives
  • Thought leadership – by contributing company speakers / panelists for policy programsExclusive
  • Opportunity to support Marquee Association & Business Council Events (via Table & Presenting Sponsorships)
  • Quarterly opportunity to advertise in e-newsletter
  • Annual Corporate Membership report delivered at end of Financial Year (US)
  • Tax deductible membership fee


Please email Laura Leventhal at [email protected] for more information on our Corporate Membership.

Become a Corporate Member

Joining the American Australian Association as a corporate member provides member companies access to our extensive US and Australian networks