Karri Walker graduates from Harvard Law School

We are incredibly proud of 2023 American Australian Aurora Education Scholar, Karri Walker, who just graduated from the LL.M. program at Harvard Law School this spring.

Reflecting on the past year, Karri is immensely grateful for the opportunities and experiences she embraced. She challenged herself, formed lifelong friendships, built connections with professors, and stepped out of her comfort zone. Among her many achievements, Karri is particularly proud of her thesis, which explored how First Peoples can continue their nation-building efforts after the failed Voice referendum. She argued that state Treaty processes provide a viable path forward. Supervised by Martha Minow, a former dean of Harvard Law School, Karri’s paper received honors and she intends to publish it. Courses such as Federal Indian Law and Nation Building expanded her understanding of how Tribes in the US are advancing their self-determined goals and enhancing their capacity for self-governance.

Karri with her family

The graduation ceremony was a three-day event, made even more special by the presence of her parents, who flew in from Melbourne. Karri shared three photos from the occasion: one with her family, one with her favorite professor, Professor Jenkins, and one from the HUNAP Indigenous graduation blanketing ceremony.

Karri with her favorite professor, Professor Jenkins.
The HUNAP (Harvard University Native American Program) Indigenous graduation blanketing ceremony
Karri speaking alongside Kimberley Biggs at the 75th Annual Benefit Dinner.

Karri expressed her gratitude to the American Australian Association for their unwavering support throughout her studies. She fondly recalled her interview with the Association and the kind words of encouragement she received.

Currently, Karri is taking a well-earned break and plans to return home to Australia in late August. She will be returning to the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria to assist Assembly Members on their journey to Treaty.