Ashly Zhang has quickly garnered a reputation as one of Australia’s most exciting young pianists. Having just completed the Master of Music Studies degree in Collaborative Piano at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, under the tutelage of Dr Theresa Leung, Ashly will graduate in June this year and continue postgraduate studies at the New England Conservatory (NEC) in Boston, USA. She completed a Bachelor of Music in Solo Piano under the tutelage of Dr Bernadette Harvey.
In 2023, Ashly attended the Aspen Music Festival as a full-scholarship Collaborative Piano Fellow. Additionally, she was the recipient of the Conservatorium’s Henderson Travelling Scholarship for Collaborative Piano in 2023. Ashly has collaborated with Alexandra Osborne (Associate Concertmaster, Sydney Symphony), Rachel Siu (Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra), and was invited to perform with Prof. Jeanell Carrigan on her CD, ‘Breaking of the Drought’ published by Wirripang.
Ashly has participated in many of the Australian Youth Orchestra’s nationwide chamber music and orchestra programs from 2020-2023, and regularly performs with the Conservatorium’s ensembles and fellow students in recitals and festivals.