Lani Asuncion is an interdisciplinary artist working with transmedia storytelling to explore her identity as an Asian American woman. She is an artist-in-residence alumna of Caldera Arts Center, I-Park, CAC Woodside, Elsewhere Living Museum, Santa Fe Art Institute, and Bilpin International Grounds for Creative Initiatives (BigCi). Asuncion’s work has been screened in Currents New Media Festival in Santa Fe, NM. As well as Nights of Festivals: Moving Image at Nottingham Contemporary, UK; and was included in Aspect EZ: Vol. 4, Déjà Vu a DVD printing by ASPECT: The Chronicle for New Media in Boston, MA. Her work was included in Another Athens Film Programme at SUPERMARKET Independent Art Fair in Stockholm, Sweden hosted by Interviewroom11 (Edinburgh) & SNEHTA (Athens).