2024 Alumni

Dr. Joel Maamary
St. Vincents Hospital Sydney Clinical Exchange FellowAUS to USAMount SinaiResearch Interest: Neurology

Dr. Tamar Jamieson
South Australia Defence, Space & Cyber ScholarAUS to USAFlorida Institute of TechnologyResearch Interest: Biofouling

Darcy Smith
South Australia Defence, Space & Cyber ScholarAUS to USAYale UniversityResearch Interest: Defence Technology

Maria Pia Campagna
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of California San Francisco Research Interest: Neuroscience

William Turner
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAStanford UniversityResearch Interest: Cognitive Neuroscience

Adam Lawrence
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of Illinois Research Interest: Computational Mechanics

Athena Stein
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of North Carolina Research Interest: Neuroscience

Patrick Walker
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAHarvard UniversityResearch Interest: Public Health

Elizabeth Flatley
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of Pennsylvania Research Interest: Clean Energy - Policy

Kate Gaylard
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAColumbia UniversityResearch Interest: Sustainability

Benjamin Biggs
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAJohns Hopkins UniversityResearch Interest: Biomedical Engineering

Isaac Tucker
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyResearch Interest: Biotechnology
2023 Alumni

Himmat Panag
American Australian Association - Arthur Sinodinos ScholarAUS to USA University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Research Interest: Aerospace Engineering

Isabella Kong
Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarAUS to USA Weill Cornell Medicine Pediatrics Research Interest: Biology

Sidhant Chopra
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAYale University Research Interest: Neuroscience

Kimberley Biggs
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAMassachusetts Institute of Technology Research Interest: Drug Design and Development

Katrina Black
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of California, San Francisco Research Interest: Biology

Nicola Scott
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of California, San DiegoResearch Interest: Molecular Biology

Arman Siahvashi
American Australian Association - Pratt Industries ScholarAUS to USA Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research Interest: Space, Energy, and Engineering

Hao Song
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAMassachusetts Institute of Technology Research Interest: Nanotechnology

Sarah Strong
American Australian Association - Northrop Grumman Corporation ScholarAUS to USA University of California, Los Angeles Research Interest: Quantum Physics

Phoebe Thomson
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAChild Mind Institute Research Interest: Neuroscience

Bryan Yuk-Wah Tang
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAHarvard UniversityResearch Interest: Health

Karri Walker
American Australian - Aurora Indigenous Education ScholarAUS to USAHarvard University Research Interest: Law

Kristel Tjandra
David Nason Journalism ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of California, Santa Cruz Research Interest: Science Journalism
2022 Alumni

Madeline O’Grady
Sustainable Health Care Funding ScholarUSA to AUS University of Queensland Research Interest: Health Economics

Lacey Trujillo
Indigenous Education ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of Adelaide Research Interest: Business Administration

Soren Huber
Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSGriffith University Research Interest: Marine Botany and Genetics

Miranda Altice
Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSSouthern Cross University Research Interest: Coral Reef Biodiversity

Emily Pacheco
Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSMacquarie University Research Interest: Sign Language Interpreting & Research

Emily Nabong
Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of Sydney Research Interest: Humanitarian Engineering

Callaway Thatcher
Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSJames Cook University Research Interest: Coral Microbiology

Angus Keto
Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of Queensland Research Interest: Computational Chemistry

Anamaria Muniz Rodriguez
Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSJames Cook University Research Interest: Marine Biology

Allison Clatch
Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of MelbourneResearch Interest: Immunology

Aaron Hasenei
Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSJames Cook University Research Interest: Fish Physiology

Nicholas Harvey-Doyle
American Australian - Aurora Indigenous Education ScholarAUS to USANew York University Research Interest: Media, Culture, and Communications

Maxwell Brierty
American Australian - Aurora Indigenous Education ScholarAUS to USAHarvard University Research Interest: Philosophy

Danielle Kampers
American Australian - Aurora Indigenous Education ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of Hawaii at HiloResearch Interest: Conservation Biology

Flynn De Luca
American Australian - Aurora Indigenous Education ScholarAUS to USADavenport University Research Interest: Accounting and Finance

Dakota Feier
American Australian - Aurora Indigenous Education ScholarAUS to USANew York University Research Interest: Museum Studies

Lori Youmshajekian
David Nason Journalism ScholarAUS to USANew York University Research Interest: Jounalism

Winnie Orchard
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAYale University Research Interest: Cognitive Neuroscience

Stone Woo
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAThe Scripps Research Institute Research Interest: Chemistry

Ruth Kravis
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of California, BerkeleyResearch Interest: Electrical Engineering

Michael Dore
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USANorthwestern University Research Interest: Nanotechnology

Helena Franco
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAHarvard UniversityResearch Interest: Medical Sciences

James O’Sullivan
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAMichigan State University Research Interest: Agricultural Sustainablity

Allison Kearney
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAColumbia UniversityResearch Interest: Immunology

Jianghui (Sloan) Wang
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAUMass Chan Medical School Research Interest: Optical Gene Therapy

Joseph Swift
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USASalk Institute for Biological Studies Research Interest: Plant Biology

Isobel Ronai
Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAHarvard UniversityResearch Interest: Tick Biology
2021 Alumni

Colleen Feuerborn
AAA Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSAustralian National UniversityResearch Interest: Astronomy & Astrophysics

Michael Halwes
AAA Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of MelbourneResearch Interest: Biomedical Engineering

Lutfi Huq
AAA Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of MelbourneResearch Interest: Immunology

Malcolm Johnson
AAA Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of Tasmania Research Interest: Sustainability

Catherine Parr
AAA Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of SydneyResearch Interest: Health Communication

Ashley Potter
AAA Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSMonash University Research Interest: Marine Ecology

Ryan Schoenbaum
AAA Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of MelbourneResearch Interest: Conservation Planning

Katie Sievers
AAA Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSJames Cook UniversityResearch Interest: Marine Science

Taylor Whitman
AAA Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSJames Cook UniversityResearch Interest: Marine Biology

Vanessa Zepeda
AAA Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSQueensland University of Technology Research Interest: Astrobiology

Ava Benny-Morrison
AAA-David Charles Nason Journalism ScholarColumbia University Research Interest: Journalism
Jessica Bridgford
AAA Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAColumbia University Research Interest: Microbiology

Ronald Chau
AAA Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of Arizona Research Interest: Clinical Psychology

Chloe D’Souza
AAA-Aurora Indigenous ScholarAUS to USAHarvard University Research Interest: Law

Isabella Franks
AAA-Aurora Indigenous ScholarAUS to USALehigh UniversityResearch Interest: Psychology

Bronte Gosper
AAA-Aurora Indigenous ScholarAUS to USAColumbia UniversityResearch Interest: Oral History

Zoey Isherwood
AAA Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of Nevada, RenoResearch Interest: Neuroscience

Tess Kelly
AAA-Sustainable Health Care Fund Scholar Harvard UniversityResearch Interest: Public Policy
Helen McRae
AAA Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USASalk Institute for Biological StudiesResearch Interest: Cancer Biology

Hayden Ryan
AAA-Aurora Indigenous ScholarAUS to USAStanford University Research Interest: Music, Science & Technology

Jacob White
AAA Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAMIT University Research Interest: Engineering

Todd Whittaker
AAA-Northrop Grumman Corporation ScholarUniversity of Colorado, Boulder Research Interest: Engineering
Jasmine Wilson
AAA Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of WashingtonResearch Interest: Immunology
2020 Alumni

Magena Marzonie
AAA-Chevron Graduate Education ScholarUS to AUSJames Cook UniversityResearch Interest: Sustainability

Scott Hershberger
AAA Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSAustralian National UniversityResearch Interest: Sustainability

Annie Bryant
AAA Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of SydneyResearch Interest: Neuroscience

Amelia Munson
AAA-NGC Graduate Education ScholarUSA to AUSMonash UniversityResearch Interest: Ecology

Alice Yan
AAA Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarAUS to USAColumbia UniversityResearch Interest: Sustainability

Kit Kennedy
AAA Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarAUS to USAWeill Cornell MedicineResearch Interest: Epigenetics

Shamindra Shrotriya
AAA – NGC Wildfire Research ScholarAUS to USACarnegie Mellon UniversityResearch Interest: Statistics and Data Science

Tessa Sullivan
David Charles NasonJournalism ScholarHarvard UniversityResearch Interest: Journalism

Kassandra Karpathakis
AAA Graduate Education ScholarAUS to USAHarvard T.H. Chan School of Public HealthResearch Interest: Technology

Sasha Purcell
AAA-Aurora-Lisa Fox Foundation Indigenous ScholarAUS to USANew York UniversityResearch Interest: Law and Human Rights

Marijke Bassani
AAA-Aurora Indigenous ScholarAUS to USAUC Berkeley / University of HawaiiResearch Interest: International Law and Human Rights

Leo Sementilli
AAA Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of QueenslandResearch Interest: Physics

Erika Auger
AAA Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarUSA to AUSMurdoch UniversityResearch Interest: Forensic Science

Samuel Zarfos
AAA Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarshipUSA to AUSUniversity of TasmaniaResearch Interest: Chemistry

Karen Corbett
AAA Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarshipUSA to AUSMonash UniversityResearch Interest: Pharmaceuticals

Meadhbh Molloy
AAA Education Fund ScholarshipUSA to AUSThe University of SydneyResearch Interest: Conservation Biology

Jessica Bergman
AAA Education Fund ScholarshipUSA to AUSUniversity of New South WalesResearch Interest: Marine Biology

Lauren Jankowski
AAA Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarshipUSA to AUSUniversity of QueenslandResearch Interest: Bioinformatics

Ryan Ivone
AAA Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarshipUSA to AUSUniversity of South AustraliaResearch Interest: Pharmaceuticals

Anthony Waddle
AAA Education Fund ScholarshipUSA to AUSUniversity of MelbourneResearch Interest: Wildlife Conservation

Sophia MacVittie
AAA Education Fund ScholarshipUSA to AUSThe University of MelbourneResearch Interest: Biosciences

Amber Datta
AAA Education Fund ScholarshipUSA to AUSJames Cook UniversityResearch Interest: Environmental Studies

Dana Cusano
AAA Education Fund ScholarshipUSA to AUSThe University of QueenslandResearch Interest: Marine Sciences

Melissa Ward
AAA Education Fund ScholarshipUSA to AUSDeakin UniversityResearch Interest: Carbon Biogeochemistry

Hemant Gandhi
AAA Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarshipUSA to AUSUniversity Of New South WalesResearch Interest: Engineering/Sustainability
2019 Alumni

Brett Shannon
AAA-Aurora Indigenous Education ScholarAUS to USATBCResearch Interest: Medicine

Josephine Newman
AAA-Lisa Fox Foundation Indigenous ScholarshipAUS to USATBCResearch Interest: Literary and Cultural Studies

Tui Nolan
AAA-Aurora Indigenous Education ScholarAUS to USA Cornell UniversityResearch Interest: Mathematics

Rebecca Delconte
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarAUS to USAThe Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterResearch Interest: Acute Myeloid Leukaemia

Leon Di Stefano
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarAUS to USAJohns Hopkins UniversityResearch Interest: Technology/Mathematics

Aaron Pereira
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarAUS to USACaltech/Jet Propulsion LaboratoryResearch Interest: Engineering/Technology

Michelle Achlatis
AAA Education Fund ScholarAUS to USACalifornia Academy of SciencesResearch Interest: Marine Ecology

William Mitchell
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarAUS to USAHarvard UniversityResearch Interest: Public Health

Daniel Bennett
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarAUS to USAPrinceton UniversityResearch Interest: Neuroscience

Aimee Leabon
AAA-David Nason Journalism ScholarAUS to USAColumbia UniversityResearch Interest: Journalism

Gopesh Tilvawala
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of California San DiegoResearch Interest: Engineering

Shanna Grafeld
American Australian Association ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of Hawaii/James Cook UniversityResearch Interest: Environmental Sustainability

Maureen Ho
American Australian Association ScholarUSA to AUSCalifornia State University, Northridge/Griffith UniversityResearch Interest: Marine Ecology

Morgan Gilmour
American Australian Association ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of California, Santa Cruz/University of TasmaniaResearch Interest: Ocean Sciences

Jennifer Cocciardi
American Australian Association ScholarUSA to AUSNew York University/James Cook UniversityResearch Interest: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

Carolyn Wheeler
American Australian Association ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of Massachusetts Boston/James Cook UniversityResearch Interest: Marine Ecology

Walter Torres
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarUSA to AUSDuke University/University of Western AustraliaResearch Interest: Physics

Michael Lacagnina
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarUSA to AUSDuke University/University of New South Wales & University of AdelaideResearch Interest: Neuroscience

Julianna Prim
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of North Carolina/Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research CenterResearch Interest: Biomedical Research

Catherine Sampson
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarUSA to AUSTexas A&M University/University of Western AustraliaResearch Interest: Chemical Engineering
2018 Alumni

Tamara Marcus
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of New Hampshire/University of TasmaniaResearch Interest: Sustainability

Meredith Redd
University of Queensland ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of Washington/University of QueenslandResearch Interest: Medicine

Maureen Walczak
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarUSA to AUSOregon State University/Australian National UniversityResearch Interest: Sustainability

John Jenkins
Centre for Nanoscale BioPhotonics ScholarUSA to AUSVanderbilt University/University of AdelaideResearch Interest: Physics

Jeff Groh
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of British Columbia/University of QueenslandResearch Interest: Biological Science

Timothy O’Shea
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarAUS to USAQueensland University of Technology/University of CaliforniaResearch Interest: Neurology and Biomedical Science

Isabella Farr
David Nason Journalism ScholarAUS to USANew York University, Shanghai/Columbia UniversityResearch Interest: Journalism

Cara Nolan
University of Queensland ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of Queensland/University of California, BerkeleyResearch Interest: Sustainability

Nicole Lake
Qantas ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of Melbourne/Yale UniversityResearch Interest: Genetics

Kathryn Potts
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of Melbourne/Albert Einstein College of MedicineResearch Interest: Leukemia

Kathrine Cummins
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of Melbourne/University of PennsylvaniaResearch Interest: Leukemia

Gavin Knott
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of Western Australia/University of California BerkeleyResearch Interest: Biomedical Science

Daniel Pederick
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of Adelaide/Stanford UniversityResearch Interest: Genetics

Arnab Ghosh
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of Melbourne/Weill Cornell Research CenterResearch Interest: Medicine

Adam Lee
AAA-Sir Keith Murdoch ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of Sydney/University of CaliforniaResearch Interest: Medicine

Suleiman Alhadidi
Chevron ScholarAUS to USAUniversity of Melbourne/Harvard UniversityResearch Interest: Sustainability