2024 Alumni

William Ranson-Smith
Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Business Administration

Grace Manahan
Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USAGeorgetown UniversityResearch Interest: Technology – Data and National Security
2024 Alumni
2023 Alumni

Alwyn Johnson
American Australian Association - Northrop Grumman Corporation ScholarAUS to USA Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research Interest: Supply Chain Management

Louis Yencken
American Australian Association - Stonepeak ScholarAUS to USA University of Southern California Research Interest: Finance

Robert Kerlsake
Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USAYavapai College Research Interest: Gunsmithing
2022 Alumni

Nicholas Heier
Incitec Pivot Ltd Scholarship & Internship Scholar Griffith University Research Interest: Sustainable Civil/Construction Engineering
Hai Tu
Incitec Pivot Ltd Scholarship & Internship Scholar Queensland University of Technology Research Interest: International Business and Data Analytics
Nina Tolentino
Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUS University of Technology, Sydney Research Interest: Nursing

Sergio Villareal
Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUS The University of Queensland Research Interest: Nursing

Saim Bashir
Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUS TBCResearch Interest: Management and Information Technology

Isiah Hernandez
Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUS Queensland University of Technology Research Interest: Information Technology

Corey Moody
Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUS The University of Sydney Research Interest: Museum and Heritage Studies

Peter Saunders
Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USAClemson UniversityResearch Interest: International Business

Nicholas Desilas
American Australian Association - F45 ScholarAUS to USA TBCResearch Interest: Business

Patrick Beer
Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USATBCResearch Interest: Law/Theology
2021 Alumni

Misael Garcia
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Counselling

Jeremy Morales
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of Western AustraliaResearch Interest: Environmental Science

Wilson Ospina
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Sociology and Global Studies

Joel Michael Bell
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Master of Business Administration

Emily Ford
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Education

Natalie Harrisson
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Food and Nutrition

Adam Leslie
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Master of Business Administration

Catherine Walsh
AAA-IPL Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Public Management

Benjamin Zeid
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USAYale University Research Interest: Medicine
2020 Alumni

Juan Rodriguez
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Law

Trevor Clack
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUS

James Robinson
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSJames Cook UniversityResearch Interest: Bachelors of Medicine and Bachelors of Surgery

William Wong
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSThe University of SydneyResearch Interest: Veterinary Medicine

Todd Forsman
AAA-IPL Veterans' ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Master of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Marlon Woods
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSThe University of SydneyResearch Interest: Neuroscience and Social Psychology

Edward Carpenter
AAA-Neuberger Berman Veteran's ScholarUSA to AUSUniversity of MelbourneResearch Interest: Graduate Diploma in Philosophy

Robert MacDonald
AAA - Lendlease ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Human Computer Interaction

Christopher Lowe
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Aerospace Engineer

Amanda MacKinnell
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Defence and Regional Security Studies

Jeremy Pierce
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Bachelor's of Economics and Advanced Studies

Derek Endter
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology

Micah Killion
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Music Psychology

Vitalis Wekheye
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Master of Security and Strategic Studies

Samantha Antolick
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Robert Mraz
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Carlos Hernandez
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Master of Public Health (Nutrition + Psychology)

James Knuppenburg
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Master of Business Administration

James McCullen
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Master of Environmental Engineering

Leslie VanBelkum
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Masters in Cyber Security with a concentration in Cyber Criminology
2019 Alumni

John Gray
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Law & Public Policy

Natasha Fox
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Personal Training & Rehabilitation

John Bathgate
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Public Administration

Tess McGrath
AAA - Greg Norman Veteran ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Educational Leadership

Andrew Cullen
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Master of Education

Thomas Hrdlicka
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Masters of Environment Private Hrdlicka is a 4-year Veteran of the United States Army. He is interested in studying environmental sustainability and intends to undertake a Masters of Environment at the University of Melbourne, commencing in 2020. Upon earning his degree in Australia, Private Hrdlicka would like to work with IGOs/NGOs to affect positive change in environmental policies and technologies, improving and sustaining the overall quality of the urban, rural, and natural environments on the continent. Private Hrdlicka is a member of the Cherokee Seminole tribe.

Kevin Lenahan
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Master of Business AdministrationCaptain Lenahan is an 8-year Veteran of the United States Marine Corps. He attends the University of Sydney as a member of the university’s first full-time Master of Business Administration (Leadership and Enterprise) cohort. By learning from his peers and professors’ methods, tactics and techniques, Captain Lenahan hopes to further his philanthropic and entrepreneurial endeavors. While enrolled, he co-founded an NGO out of South Sudan. Upon graduation, his №1 priority is to continue to put others first—taught by his parents, Tom and Theresa Lenahan—a value which was annealed through his honorable service in the U.S. Marines. Whilst in the Marines, Captain Lenahan shot, flied, and supplied: serving as a prior-enlisted officer on active and reserve duty. He earned his associate’s and bachelor’s degrees from Ohio University. During his free time, Captain Lenahan can be spotted enjoying beautiful Australian beaches and wildlife.

John O’Hara
AAA-IPL Veterans' ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: International BusinessPetty Officer O’Hara is a 6-year Veteran of the United States Navy. He is currently studying a Bachelor of International Business, minoring in banking and professional accounting at Murdoch University. Petty Officer O’Hara has one year of study left in Australia and upon graduating, he hopes to secure an internship in the US and build a career in politics, specifically foreign affairs.
2018 Alumni

Jeramiah Wegner
AAA - Sentinels of Freedom ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: International DevelopmentJeramiah Wegner served in the US Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment for 7 years and had six combat deployments. He is currently finishing a Bachelor’s degree in Sustainable Development at Columbia University. After completing his degree in Fall 2018, Jeramiah intends to pursue a Master's Degree in International Development in Australia.

Shawn Skinner
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Marine Biology & Ecology Shawn Skinner served in the United States Marine Corps for 3 years. He now intends to pursue a Master’s degree in Sustainability at James Cook University in Queensland with a focus on identifying approaches to improve health and resiliency on coral reefs.

Sam Greenwood
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Business Analytics Sam Greenwood served in the United States Marine Corps for 3 years. He now intends to pursue a Master’s degree in Business Analytics at the University of New South Wales.

Marcos Rocha Jr.
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Criminal JusticeMarcos Rocha Jr. served on active duty in the United States Marine Corps for 5 ½ years. He now intends to pursue a Master’s Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of New South Wales to identify approaches to reduce recidivism in the criminal justice system.

Emily Leonard
AAA - GSJMF Commemorative Defense ScholarUSA to AUSResearch Interest: Public Policy – Healthcare Emily Leonard served for 6 years in the U.S. Navy. She now intends to pursue a Master's Degree in Public Policy and Management at the University of Melbourne. Her graduate study will focus on studying the Australian healthcare system as a possible model for improving quality and efficiency of US healthcare.

Samuel Eastwood
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Master of Business AdministrationCorporal Eastwood plans to study a Master of Business Administration at an American university in order to continue his professional and personal development following his transition from soldier to civilian. His goal is to utilize the knowledge and benefits provided by an MBA to develop a strong foundation in international business, from which he can pursue an international business career that will allow him to build on the strengths he has gained from his eight years of service as a soldier, coupled with four years as an Embassy staff member.

Callum Newton
AAA - Greg Norman ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Master of Business AdministrationLt. Newton’s long-term goal is to bridge his 13-year military career experience with business acumen to help grow the Australian defense industry so that Australia may continue to flourish. He sees a symbiotic relationship between the strength and vibrancy of a nation’s economy, and its ability to flourish as a peaceful society, which is the reason he was drawn to study a Master of Business Administration. As part of the MBA program, Lt. Newton will undertake study exchange at either Stern Business School, NYC, or Booth School of Business, Chicago. A key attribute of the American psyche which he is interested in learning more about is the entrepreneurial spirit, as this facilitates the innovation which implementation of the Australian defense industry capability plan calls for.

Nerita Lewis
AAA Veterans' Fund ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Master of Business Administration Flt Lt. Lewis plans to undertake a Master of Business Administration, at one of the top ten ranked business schools in the US, to support her successful transition from the military. Her goal upon graduation is to return to Australia and work in the Non-Governmental sector, providing support to the Asia-Pacific region. She plans to tailor her degree to the NGO field via elective options, for example: growing social enterprises, strategic innovation, ICT, data mining for business intelligence, competitive strategy and project management. In 2012 Flt Lt. Lewis was the youngest and most junior ranked military member selected to undertake the UN Military Observer Course, training with military personnel from 27 countries.

James Coltheart
AAA - Lendlease ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Master of Public Policy Major Coltheart is currently studying a Master of Public Policy at the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University. As someone who served for 13 years in the military, including at war, Major Coltheart intends to use his study to build his conceptual understanding of conflict and increase his knowledge of functional and regional security issues. His goal is to pursue a career in international security policy where he will use the skills gained to influence international security policy and ensure that the nation’s ‘blood and treasure' are used wisely, for example as a Policy Advisor within the United Nations Peacekeeping Group or Department of Political Affairs, before returning to Australia. His current research interests include the rules-based global order, the utility of force as an instrument of policy and contemporary conflict.
2017 Alumni

Nathan Johnson
AAA - GSJMF Commemorative Defense ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Electronic and Cyber WarfareNathan Johnson is a 17-year veteran of the Australian Army. Nathan is currently undertaking a PhD looking at the nexus between Electronic and Cyber warfare in at Arizona State University.

Christopher Wilson
AAA - Sentinels of Freedom ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Medicine – PTSDChristopher Wilson served for 4 years in the Royal Australian Air Force. He now intends to study medicine focusing on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and understand US approaches to managing and improving health for veterans in both countries.

Ben Luther
AAA - Lendlease ScholarAUS to USAResearch Interest: Complex safety systemsMr. Ben Luther served for 22 years in the Royal Australian Air Force and now intends to pursue an Advanced Certificate in Executive Management of Innovation and Technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to enhance safety for high-risk situations.