American Australian Association

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Skyline Series II | Sydney Dance Company & Australian Chamber Orchestra

On Saturday, April 20, members of our community were treated to an intimate performance from two of Australia’s leading arts companies: Sydney Dance Company and Australian Chamber Orchestra. Artistic Directors Rafael Bonachela (SDC) and Richard Tognetti (ACO) also engaged in an enlightening Q&A led by Belinda Jackson.

This truly unique event afforded our community an event unparalleled in its intimacy with these wonderful artists. To see some of the best dancers and hear some of the best musicians Australia has to offer in such close proximity all set against the awe-inspiring backdrop of the New York skyline was something none of us will soon forget.

We look forward to hosting more unique and engaging events for our membership as part of our inaugural Skyline Series. Stay tuned for information on the next in our series: Bush to Broadway.

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