American Australian Association (AAA)

Austrade US Market Update During COVID-19

Event Description

AmCham has partnered with Austrade to deliver a special webinar featuring The Hon. Arthur Sinodinos AO, Ambassador of Australia to the United States.


Hosted by Nicola Watkinson, Austrade’s General Manager for the Americas, this presentation will share on-the-ground insights into the current US business environment during the COVID-19 crisis and the impacts on Australian businesses operating in the US.


The panelists will share information on how US investors are currently viewing investment opportunities into Australia, and how these may impact the local economy, and will include an opportunity for Q&A.


Register here.

About the Speaker

Hon. Arthur Sinodinos AO, Australian Ambassdor to the United States

Arthur Sinodinos AO is a former Australian politician who was Senator for New South Wales from 2011 to 2019, representing the Liberal Party. Ambassador Sinodinos served as a minister in both the Abbott and Turnbull governments, including as Assistant Treasurer from 2013-2014 and Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science in 2017. Ambassador Sinodinos served as former Prime Minister John Howard’s senior economic advisor and later as his chief of staff from 1997-2006. In these roles, he had a central seat at the table through years of significant global change and the transformation of the Australia-US Alliance.

Ambassador Sinodinos is known for his focus on substantive topics affecting Australia’s increasingly complex economic and financial landscape, and is an expert on financial markets, economics and public policy. He served in the Commonwealth Treasury and Department of Finance and has held senior positions with Goldman Sachs JBWere and the National Australia Bank.

As Australia’s Ambassador to the United States, Ambassador Sinodinos has stressed our two countries’ need to maintain and protect the current international rules-based order. He supports Australia and the United States expanding cooperation into new areas, such as through the Australian Space Agency and collaboration on rare earth and critical minerals.


Nicola Watkinson
General Manager, The Americas – Austrade

April Palmerlee
Chief Executive Officer – American Chamber Of Commerce In Australia

Andrew Jory
Minister-Counsellor Trade – Australian Embassy, Washington DC

Greg Kalbaugh
Executive Director – Select USA

Chris Knepler
Post Manager – Austrade Chicago

David Brown
Landing Pad Manager, San Francisco – Austrade

Anastasia Volkova
Co-Founder, Flurosat


Thursday, April 16
6:30pm EDT

